By Ml733 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
By Christian Richardt Richie - Self-published work by Richie, CC BY 2.5,
Gonville and Caius
Founded in 1348, the college is a beautiful slice of academic history and the home of some of the finest scientific minds in this century.
By Jdforrester at the English language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Accommodation at the College
If you'd like to stay over night at the College for the night of the conference, or before or after; there are two options: the Old Court (the original buildings of the college) or the Stephen Hawking building.
The Old Court rooms are older but still very comfortable. The bathrooms are shared between two rooms on the same floor.
The Stephen Hawking building is relatively new (finished 2006) and each room has an en-suite shower rooms attached.